APASS "A-Pass Educational Guide" AGENCY

APass Educational Guide
A Pass Educational Group, LLC is an organization dedicated to the development of quality educational resources. We work with educational publishers of all sizes, developing assessment questions, curricula, and lesson plans. Started by Andrew Pass in 2009, the company now employs more than 160 experts in multiple disciplines. Our clients include education giants such as Pearson Education, Scholastic, and Britannica. The products developed by A Pass are not the results of a single individual's efforts. Instead, we have a qualified team of individuals devoted to ensuring that we develop the highest-quality resources. Our team includes subject matter experts, instructional designers, course writers, technologists, and copy editors. Our staff comes from countless specializations and backgrounds. However, one important characteristic binds us together as the A Pass Team: We all believe that it's not about the technology; it's about the learning. We believe in the value of education above all else, and we strive to create the best resources possible for our nation's educators. Contact us today about your educational project!