Novell Corporation (acquired Cambridge Technology Partners)
Novell employs some 5,400 people worldwide. Approximately 32 percent are employed in sales and marketing (includes Cambridge Technology Partners - acquisition finalized spring 2002); 30 percent in research and development; 23 percent in operations and services; and 15 percent in general and administrative functions. Novell helped invent the corporate network in the early 1980s, and continues to drive technology for the Net today. Network software began with the sharing of files and printers within local area networks (LANs) and evolved into the management of wide area networks that enabled enterprise class computing.
Novell's vision is to create software solutions that bring all kinds of networks - intranets, extranets, and the Internet; corporate and private; wired to wireless - together as one Net. To achieve that vision, Novell is focused on developing Net services software that secures and powers the networked world. This software - along with industry-leading consulting and support services - helps Novell customers solve difficult business challenges and gives them the networking tools and expertise they need to take advantages of new business opportunities.