2008 04 23 RECOMMEND "Edward Singleton" LETTER

- April 23, 2008
- Dear Sir or Madam:
- This letter of recommendation comes on behalf of an ingenious photographer, Mr. Barton J. Christner. Bethune-Cookman University, School of Graduate and Professional Studies has contracted Mr. Christner on numerous occassions to provide photography services at significant events.
- Mr. Christner is an outstanding individual who exemplifies the highest standards of professionalism and service. I have no reservation about writing this letter of recommendation because Barton Christner is truly a brilliant photographer. The invaluable memories he has captured in his photography for this great institution speaks for itself.
- In addition, Mr. Christner has made himself available to work on institutional and community projects when called upon. I personally appreciate his faithful and diligent services contributed to the faculty, staff, students, and community at large. I hold my regards in high esteem for Mr. Christner, and will be willing to work with him on any and all assigned projects in the future. There couldn't be a finer individual.
- If you are in need of any additional information, or if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate in contacting me.
- Yours truly,
- Edward Singleton Jr,.
- Director of Professional Studies
- Bethune-Cookman University