2009 02 09 APPRECIATE "Gemma Gallagher" LETTER

- February 09, 2009
- To Whom It Concerns:
- Bart Christner has been involved with the Wider Horizons Media Programme for the past two summer semesters. He instructed classes in Photoshop, Video Production, Web Design and Photography.
- The students learned many new skills and techniques from Bart, he is very thorough in his teaching method and covers a lot of information. He provided classroom support but also practical experience for the group to develop their skills such as framing shots and various shooting techniques. He provided good feedback to the group and was a valuable resource in guiding the students through using a Mac, a platform which many of them had never encountered previously.
- It was great to have Bart involved in the programme.
- Gemma Gallagher,
- Programme Supervisor
- Tyrone Donegal Partnership
Letter of Appreciation